In House - Webinar
Lloyd’s and London Market Slip Preparation
Course price:
£750 + VAT
Course Introduction
The slip holds a pivotal role in the placement of insurance within the London Insurance Market. Its clarity, precision, and adherence to contract certainty and Market Reform Contract (MRC) standards are fundamental.
This course is designed to equip participants with a good understanding of Lloyd’s and London Market slip preparation. It covers existing practices while introducing delegates to anticipated adjustments stemming from Blueprint 2, potentially shaping the future of slip preparation.
Course Objectives
At the end of the webinar delegates will:
- Articulate the significance of the slip/MRC
- Identify potential issues arising from improper creation
- Assess the impact of transformative elements such as Brexit, C-19, and Blueprint 2.
Course Content
- Understanding the fundamental nature of a slip
- Exploring its primary objectives
- What are the options if not used?
- Crafting a high-quality slip and defining the standards of excellence
- Analysing the influence of e-placing on the overall process
- Navigating the implications of Brexit and its effects
- Exploring the future landscape, including Core Data Record (CDR) and MRCv3