In House - Classroom
Introduction to Motor Fleet Insurance
Course Introduction
Delegates who successfully complete this workshop will be able to demonstrate an awareness of what is a “Motor Fleet” and why separate insurance may be needed, an understanding of the various methods insurers use to price Motor Fleet risks, an understanding of the structure and usual content of “Motor Fleet” policy wordings, an awareness of the information Insurers usually require to consider risks and likely undesirable or unacceptable risks as well as knowledge of the various “Motor Fleet” risk management tools available.
Who should attend?
This course is designed as an introduction to Motor Fleet and would benefit those who are new to this type of work.
Course Content
- what is Motor Fleet and what are the advantages and disadvantages of providing insurance this way for customers and Insurers?
- which risks are unacceptable or undesirable for Commercial Motor, and particularly for Motor Fleet business?
- various methods used for pricing Motor Fleet business are examined including discounted book rates, formula rating, burning cost methods and partial covers.
- An examination of typical policy cover is provided, emphasising the differences with Commercial Motor Insurance.
- A study of risk management is included with particular reference to Motor Fleet surveys, driver training and use of excesses.
- An outline of claims handling methods