Course Introduction
The aim of the course is to give delegates the tools to establish a coaching environment in the workplace. Using the techniques learned and practiced during the course delegates will be able to use coaching effectively in the everyday management of personal and team competence/performance.
Who should attend?
Everyone who has a direct responsibility for the development of others.
Course Content
- the importance of coaching; a look at what we gain from coaching from all perspectives
- learning styles; a look at how people learn and how it can help us in the approach we use with the individual
- continuous coaching cycle; what we need to think about when we adopt a coaching environment and the relevance of each stage of the cycle
- design a coaching session; structuring, designing and documenting training sessions, how to write clear, concise learning objectives and the preparation of support material
- steps for coaching; the steps we need to follow to ensure coaching sessions are used to their full advantage and to ensure a consistent approach for everybody
- feedback; a look at how the way we give feedback can effect the coaching session in either a positive or negative way